Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Theft handphone

I want to tell my experience when class 2 high school. When I accompanied the my boyfriend (now ex) to a book rental place. The plan will open a new place a few days later. Up at the spot, there employee, a woman describes the book rental plan and mechanisms for a job as a store employee told my lover. At first I was puzzled why, employee also explain the mechanism of work. After I asking my boyfriend turned out she also wants to work moonlighting in the store. When finished explaining, the employee had to ask my boyfriend to type a few important things and bought meatballs. We also comply with her request.
After my bf finished working on a task that she gave, we were back to the venue to provide duty and meatballs which she requested. They went back to speak, when listening to them talk, I also became interested in working in that place. After asking directly to staff, I was allowed to work there. The store also provides a means for new staff to open a business pulse selling. Me and my boyfriend was told for tomorrow we bring our hp fitted with chips to be able to sell pulse. After discussing with my boyfriend, actually he's not allowed when I joined this job. The debate we are quite long, he finally relented and permit me to work in that place.
After obtaining her permission, I immediately gave my hp for the chip can be fitted in advance for tomorrow morning is to be taken. After that we went home.
The next morning, me and my girlfriend did not go take hp. My girlfriend asked for help to his friend to take us both hp. Many of our friends also sign up for work at that place. When the hour break I went straight to his class anything.
And it turns out I got the bad news that the store employee was an impostor. He stole dozens of mobile phones from the victim that the average age with me. He took off with his partner. It was also my friends who were at the scene to call the police and asked for immediate follow up.
We are very shocked and saddened by this incident. None of us who think with the logic of why we can easily surrender our hp to people who we have not seen before. We suspect she is also hypnotically us. Because so many people are deceived and no one escaped it at all when he asked us to leave hpnya at him.
Theft including criminal prosecution. There are several factors to take action only factor seoerti itu.salah poverty. Usually someone who urgently needed economic justifies any means to get money for their daily life. We recommend that the government must quickly eradicate poverty in our country for the crime rate based on economic factors decrease.

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